New Apollo Feature! Build Custom Dashboards for Analytics Management

Use Apollo to build customizable analytics dashboards that you can deploy in seconds to report on the bespoke needs of various stakeholders. Managing, improving, and streamlining your digital analytics implementation has never been easier. 

In the digital analytics world, you only get value from your analytics implementation when you use your data to make improvements to your digital properties. While a lot of effort goes into implementing, you should really be spending the majority of your time conducting analysis. This analysis often happens in reports and dashboards within your digital analytics tool.

The Apollo analytics management system provides a unified way to manage all aspects of your digital analytics implementation. One component of this is the ability to create a full set of dashboards once your analytics implementation has been deployed. By default, Apollo creates two dashboards: Learn About Your Implementation and Business Requirements.

Apollo's Custom Analytics Dashboard feature is a new data management solution for analytics. Here are two default dashboards found in Apollo: Learn about your Implementation and Business Requirements.
The former provides your users with information about what is contained within your implementation and provides a way to view reports by the various site features in your implementation, and the latter shows reports for each business requirement you have implemented. You can see examples of both here:

Apollo's Custom Analytics Dashboard feature is a new data management solution for analytics. These are example of default dashboards, but Apollo also lets you build customized analytics dashboards.

These two dashboards are an easy way to dive into your data and begin your analysis work.

However, if you have a large digital analytics implementation, these dashboards can be quite intimidating! There may be times when you want to view data for just a subset of your implementation business requirements. To facilitate this, Apollo has a new feature called Custom Dashboards. (Learn about another new feature, Business Requirements Templates for analytics management, here.)

Custom Dashboards

Custom Dashboards allow you to select specific business requirements from your implementation and build a dashboard just for those requirements. There are many potential use cases for this functionality:

  • Build a dashboard for a set of requirements related to a specific topic
  • Build a dashboard of high priority business requirements
  • Build a dashboard that includes only requirements for a particular stakeholder

Anytime you want to build a bespoke dashboard, you can use this new custom dashboard feature.

To learn more about how this feature works and to see it in action, please view the following brief demonstration video:

We would love for your business to start benefiting from the revolutionary analytics management features that Apollo offers!

If you have questions or would like to see a demo, please contact us at